Path of Change
Path of Change
installation of Path of Change
installation of Path of Change
This interactive game explores the intricate cause-and-effect relationships between human development, agriculture, and the natural water cycle. As players navigate through the game, they experience a never-ending feedback loop where effects are intertwined with their causes, leading to multiple outcomes.
The game's tension builds as strings wrap around pins labeled with causes and effects. When the tension becomes too great, the pins pop out, symbolizing the overall destruction of the delicate balance between nature and human culture. This visual representation highlights the fragility of our ecosystems and the impact of human actions.
To create this piece, I conducted extensive research using UN documentation on climate change's impact on the water cycle. I also interviewed a UN climate research expert to gain deeper insights. Originally filmed in 2019 for Museo U Cara in Muggia, Italy, the piece was reshot in 2024 using a Canon Mark III D5, with a 1:1 aspect ratio and 4K quality. The video is available on YouTube and my website.
"Stinging You Along" inquires into the sustainability of our current relationship with the environment. Instead of providing answers, the game invites participants to discover their own conclusions through their choices, whether informed by research or personal beliefs.

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